Saturday, July 21, 2012

Who Knew?

Recently I've discovered some simple quick easy fixes for some irritations you may have.. hope this helps!!!
Baby Powder:  Need a quick fix for greasy hair or skin? Add some baby powder to your scalp or face and gently rub will absorb the grease giving a nice smooth look. :)
Petroleum jelly:  If you have any chapped skin, this will be your miracle worker! Also if you have a sore nose from too many snuffles, petroleum jelly will help sooth and heal it! Or if you get a bad paper cut? Wipe some jelly or chap stick on it, it will help decrease the "sting". If you need a good makeup remover, this will work for eye lashes and help remove nail polish on your fingers!
Baking Sota: Baking sota is used for alot, but here are my favorites.. :D Dip your toothbrush in some baking sota, and brush away! This will help whiten teeth and rid of sores in your mouth. Baking sota can help sooth any insect bites, stings or poison from plants exposed on your skin as well! (Just add a little water and create and baking sota paste) It can also help a heart burn or a stomach ache. Add 1/2 a teaspoon to a 1/2 cup of water and drink :O it will help ease the pain in minutes :)
Water: Drinking water can actually help alot! Do you get random headaces? You're mostlikely de hydrated meaning you need more water in your system! Want healthier skin? Drink water! Want to loose more weight? Drink water! Want to improve in your health? Drink water! You're technically made of i think 70% of water! So drink up! Your body will love you for it!