Thursday, July 18, 2019

Work at Home with Gogokid!

Teach English online and earn up to $25 per hour! Apply to be a Gogokid teacher and teach on your own schedule via this link:
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Maybe you just graduated college and are looking for a job, need another part-time position to make ends meet, a stay at home mom, or just want to keep building your resume. Whether the reason, you can start working from home in just a few short weeks and get decent pay doing it if you start working for Gogokid.

Now what is Gogokid?! Gogokid is a platform that you teach children, ages 3-12, english online from the comfort of your own home. You are teaching children mainly from Beijing, but recently the company expanded to teach in Japan and Korea! The only requirement in applying is that you have a Bachelors degree. It doesn't matter how much teaching experience you have or whether you have teaching credentials. I was hired within a few weeks and only had just a few months of tutoring experience and a bachelors degree in Recreational Management. 
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How much will I get paid!? Based on your experience or credentials, you can request a higher starting rate but the base is $7 per 25 minute class, which is $14 an hour! I was able to start at $8 a class but in just a few months I was making $10 a class. Their raises is based on a point system which is one of the reasons I have loved working for Gogokid. Each completed 25 minute class, or 5 star parent review, you get one point. Penalties like teacher cancelation or absence results in points taken away. If given enough penalties it will eventually lower your pay rate, but I love that it doesn't immediately effect it especially if you have emergencies come up. You also still get paid 60% if a student does not show up for the scheduled class, which is great!

When do I teach? With Gogokid you have the opportunity to open time slots 12am-7am, and 7pm-11:30pm. You get to set how many hours, what days and how often you want to teach a lesson. However if you actually want students to book you, the peak times are M-S 5am-6:30am and Sat-Sun 12am-1:30am, 8pm-9:30pm. Because of this flexibility it has been great to simply just not teach on holidays, my birthday, or days that you are feeling sick!

What will I be teaching!? Gogokid has created amazing curriculum already created for you to teach your students. They are all basic reading and comprehension skills the students need to develop in order to understand the english language. They are animated lessons that you and the students gets to interact with and are very fun! 
Have any TIPS!? For the interview (where you will teach a lesson to a Gogokid trainee) and while teaching classes it is important to remember to speak slowly and clearly so that the student can understand and hear what you are saying so they can repeat correctly. You also need to use 2-3 props per lesson in order to engage and teach the student more successfully. It is also important to use your hands to talk to the student, as they may not know any english. For example cupping your ear when you want them speak and repeat after you. Another suggestion is have a fun, but not too busy background so your "classroom" is inviting. 

I hope you take the opportunity to start teaching online today by clicking here! It has been such a rewarding, fun and creative process with each new student and lesson. The students will definitely capture your heart!