Sunday, June 3, 2012

Don't take Honey for granted!!!

I dont know about you, but honey usually sits around my house getting old and crusty..  and I recently found some new cool ways for using it!!

Burns: Honey is great for any burn, just rub it on your burn just like you would a cream and the pain will ease down in seconds!
Skin: Honey is also a great way to rid dirt on skin expecially your face.. :) Just rub some honey on your face like you would soap (make sure to put your hair back.. it gets sticky!) and let it sit for about 10-15min. After that, you can wash it right off and wala! Clean face!
Sore Throats: Ever have a sore throat and can't seem to get rid or sooth it quickly? Well.... just eat a spoonful of honey! It will help with the healing and make it feel less iritating.
Nails: Honey is a good scrub for your skin, and it can help the skin around your nails and cuticles. Using a cotton ball or rag, dap on some honey and scup gently around a nail for about 5 min. Once done with all nails.. wash hands and add lotion.. :)

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